Will Rogers once said or so I'm told (I didn't talk to him personally!) “A banker is someone will give you an umbrella on a beautiful sunny day and want it back when it rains.”
Don’t sign a bank loan on a commercial or investment property. If you must, be certain you know what you are up against. If you do it, understand there's very high risk. Now you're gonna get a lower interest rate at the bank than some of the other alternative lending products, but you the risk is so much higher of defaulting on a traditional bank loan as a borrower.
You want to look for a private alternative lender. You're gonna look for a lender that offers a 30 year loan that is a stand alone loan product where they don't want other collateral and they don't have loan covenants where they can call your loan due. The ideal commercial real estate loan looks like this: long-term amortization with no balloon payments, preferably with long period fixed rates. With an alternative loan like this, you're mostly protected in this kind of loan. Also, you want to always refinance or purchase a commercial property or investment property in a single purpose LLC. I'm not an attorney and I'm disclaiming that right now, but in my 25 years in the lending business I have learned that you want to always do your property loans as single purpose entities. Now talk to your lawyer about it. What they’re gonna tell you will be something a lot like this. A lawyer is gonna tell you this protects your assets outside of that LLC.
If you’re interested in obtaining a loan to refinance or purchase a business or investment property, apply with AMUSA Commercial Capital. You’ll be glad you did. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. Remember, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
- Kory Stafford, CEO Amusa Commercial Capital